Adobe Audition 1. 5 Setup

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Feb 12, 2018  How do I install Adobe Audition 1.5 on a Windows 10 system? Feb 12, 2018. I have the AA 1.5 disc and serial number but the message I get says AA 1.5 won't work with Windows 10. I signed up with Adobe but that doesn't seem to help. Version 3 and earlier View all replies. I have the AA 1.5 disc and serial number but the message I get says AA 1.5 won't work with Windows 10. I signed up with Adobe but that doesn't seem.

When you set inputs and outputs for recording and playback in Adobe Audition 3, you have a choice of sound card drivers: an ASIO (Audio Stream In/Out) driver, or the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver.

This document describes how to select a driver and how to configure each kind of driver.

How do I install Adobe Audition 1.5 on a Windows 10 system? Jamiep7206 Feb 12, 2018 2:27 PM I have the AA 1.5 disc and serial number but the message I get says AA 1.5 won't work with Windows 10. Adobe Audition 1.5 is a very handy application which will let you create songs and the radio spots. With this application, you can enhance the recordings and can also generate the mixes. This is the application which will let you convert the poor quality songs into an imposing masterpiece. Adobe audition 1.5 free. download full, Adobe Flash Player 11.3 beta 2, Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.1.2, Adobe Audition 1.5. Adobe audition 1 5 free download - Apple Safari, Adobe Audition CS6, ClickFix for Adobe Audition, and many more programs.

Understanding ASIO and Audition Windows Sound drivers

Audition 3.0 Windows Sound is the default driver, but Adobe recommends that you select an ASIO driver.

ASIO is a multichannel protocol that allows compatible software to use the multichannel capabilities of ASIO-compliant sound cards.

The benefits of ASIO include:

  • Lower signal latency.
  • More efficient audio processing.
  • Higher data throughput.
  • More accurate channel synchronization.
  • Better extensibility of audio hardware.
  • Greater flexibility of sample rates, sample formats, and input/output channel mapping for playback and recording.
  • The ability to record from two or more inputs simultaneously.

If you are using an ASIO-compliant audio device, then you should download and install an ASIO driver that is specifically designed for that device.

If the device manufacturer does not provide an ASIO driver, then you can install a third-party ASIO driver, such as ASIO4ALL; however, a third-party driver may not support all of the device's features.

If you are not able to obtain an ASIO driver, or if you are not using ASIO-compliant audio devices, then use the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver.

Audition 3.0 Windows Sound is an emulated driver which uses the system DirectSound driver.

Audition 3.0 Windows Sound provides no additional device functionality beyond what the DirectSound driver offers. For example, the DirectSound driver may be limited to stereo input and output.

  1. Click the Edit View, Multitrack View, or Surround Encoder tab.
    Note: The Edit View, Multitrack View, and Surround Encoder each have their own driver settings. You must configure driver settings for each view individually.
  2. In the Audio Driver pop-up menu, choose a driver for the sound card you wish to use.

    Choose an ASIO driver if one is listed; otherwise, choose Audition 3.0 Windows Sound.

If you chose an ASIO driver in Step 3, then go to Configuring an ASIO driver.

If you chose Audition 3.0 Windows Sound in Step 3, then go to Configuring the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver.

The window that appears after you click Control Panel displays the proprietary settings of the ASIO driver that you selected. These setting vary from driver to driver.

For details about these settings, see your sound card's documentation, contact the cardâs manufacturer, or contact the publisher of the driver.

Configuring the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver

You will configure the Audition 3.0 Windows Sound driver in the DirectSound Full Duplex Setup window. The options in this window are as follows:

  • Device Name

    The Device Name column lists all available DirectSound outputs and inputs. To activate or deactivate a port, click the box next to the port. If the option box contains an 'X', then the port is activated.

  • Buffer Size [Samples]

    The Buffer Size [Samples] column displays the number of samples that will be included in the buffer. The audio buffer is used when audio data is transferred between Audition and the sound card. The default Buffer Size is 2048 samples.

    A large buffer ensures that playback occurs without audio dropout or other glitches. However, increasing the buffer size increases the audio data latency which may cause delay between the moment Audition begins sending audio data and the moment it actually reaches the physical output. In general, lowering the buffer size improves playback while increasing it will improve recording, but the goal of setting the buffer should be to find a balance between the two.

    To change the Buffer Size [Samples] value, double-click the field and enter a different number of samples.

    Note the following Buffer Size guidelines:

    • To improve recording performance, lower the buffer size (optimal range is 32 to 256 samples).
    • To improve playback performance, increase the buffer size (optimal range is 512 to 2048 samples).
  • Offset [Samples]

    The Offset [Samples] value affects latency of the input or output signal between multiple sound cards.

    To change the Offset [Samples] value, double-click the field and enter a different number of samples.

  • Audio Channels, Bits per Sample

    The Audio Channels and Bits per Sample columns provide information about your sound card. The values in these columns cannot be adjusted using the DirectSound Full Duplex Setup. See the documentation for your sound card for more information on how to change these settings.

  • Sync Reference

    The Sync Reference setting specifies which sound card clock is used as a reference when you activate multiple sound cards. The sound card in the topmost position is used as the Sync Reference. The DirectSound Output option is selected as the default Sync Reference.

    Note: Use Sync Reference to synchronize two or more digital audio devices for sample-accurate recording.

  • Port Order

    The Port Order section allows you to click Move Up or Move Down to move the selected sound device up or down in the input/output port order. The active port (indicated by an 'X' next to the device name) should be first in the list of the available ports.

  • Card Options

    The Card Options section displays these two options:

    • Full Duplex: Allows recording (input) and playback (output) to occur simultaneously. If the selected sound card supports Full Duplex, the option should appear as activated.
    • Start Input First: Specifies that the input port is initiated first for any audio hardware procedure. If the sound card doesn't seem to work correctly with Full Duplex activated (for example, you cannot play back and record at the same time), try activating this option before deactivating Full Duplex.

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You can use a wide rangeof hardware inputs and outputs with Adobe Audition. Sound card inputslet you bring in audio from sources such as microphones, tape decks,and digital effects units. Sound card outputs let you monitor audio throughsources such as speakers and headphones.

A. Sound card inputs connect to sources such as microphonesand tape decks. B. Sound card outputs connectto speakers and headphones.

Whenyou configure inputs and outputs for recording and playback, Adobe Auditioncan use these kinds of sound card drivers:

  • In Windows,ASIO drivers support professional cards and MME drivers typically supportstandard cards.

  • In Mac OS, CoreAudio drivers support both professional andstandard cards.

ASIO and CoreAudio drivers are preferablebecause they provide better performance and lower latency. You canalso monitor audio as you record it and instantly hear volume, pan,and effects changes during playback.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > AudioHardware (Windows) or Audition > Preferences > Audio Hardware(Mac OS).
  2. From the Device Class menu, choose the driver for thesound card you want to use.
  3. Note:

    In the Multitrack Editor, you can overridethe defaults for specific tracks. See Assignaudio inputs and outputs to tracks.

  4. (MME and CoreAudio) For Master Clock, choose the inputor output to which you want other digital audio hardware to synchronize(ensuring accurate alignment of samples).
  5. For I/O Buffer Size (ASIO and CoreAudio) or Latency (MME),specify the lowest setting possible without audio dropouts. Theideal setting depends on the speed of your system, so some experimentationmay be necessary.
  6. Choose a Sample Rate for the audio hardware. (For commonrates for different output mediums, see Understandingsample rate.)
  7. (Optional) To optimize the performance of ASIO and CoreAudiocards, click Settings. For more information, consult the documentationfor the sound card.


By default, Adobe Audition controls ASIO sound cardswhile playing or monitoring audio. If you want to access the cardin another application, select Release ASIO Driver In Background.(Audition still controls the card while recording to avoid havingrecordings suddenly stop.)

Tai Adobe Audition 1.5

Apply machine-specific hardware settings for network users

In network environments, Audition preferences are storedwith each user account. For editing, interface, and other preferences,this creates a customized experience for each user. Audio hardwarepreferences, however, should typically remain consistent on a givenmachine, ensuring that inputs and outputs on the installed audiointerface are available in Audition.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware(Windows) or Audition > Preferences > Audio Hardware (MacOS).

  2. At the bottom of the Audio Hardware settings, select UseMachine-Specific Device Defaults. (Deselect this option only ifusers move an assigned audio interface from machine to machine.)


To instead duplicate hardware settings from onemachine to others, search for and copy the MachineSpecificSettings.xmlfile.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > AudioChannel Mapping (Windows) or Audition > Preferences > AudioChannel Mapping (Mac OS).

  2. To the far right of items in the Input and Output lists,click the triangles to choose a hardware port for each file channel.

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Adobe Audition 1.5 Setup En Francais

This procedure also sets default outputs forthe Master track in the Multitrack Editor. To override the defaults,see Assignaudio inputs and outputs to tracks.

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