Download the latest USB SERIAL CH340 driver for your computer's operating system. All downloads available on this website have been scanned by the latest anti-virus software and are guaranteed to be virus and malware-free.
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Download drivers for CH340 IC for windows 7, windows 8, windows 10 and also for MAC users. Check out how to install drivers for Arduino UNO, NODE MCU and Arduino Nano which have ch340g usb to. This tutorial of Robo India explains how to install driver of CH340 USB to serial converter. Introduction: Download windows driver from here. CH340 windows driver. Automatic installation: If you are connected to internet, just plug CH340 USB to serial converter to. Oct 10, 2017 But if you have the CH340 driver installed, then plug in the CH340 and Windows will just link the driver for you. No need to dig through.inf files. But the fact you 'installed' FTDI drivers for it I start to think it's NOT a CH340 but just a Chinese/counterfeit FTDI which will install with the latest FTDI drivers but just will not work. COM Port is Not Showing Up as CH340 Windows. We have had a few reports on Windows 10 where the driver will automatically install and the board will show up under a new COM port as USB-Serial CH340, but with a different device name. However, the board cannot be accessed on the Arduino IDE.
Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for USB SERIAL CH340. It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically.
DriverGuide maintains an extensive archive of Windows drivers available for free download. We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.
WCH CH340, CH341, CH340G Free Driver Download for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, ME, 98SE, 98. World's most popular driver download site.
Having trouble finding the right driver? Try the Automatic Driver Update Utility, or you can request a driver and we will find it for you.
Popular Driver Updates for USB SERIAL CH340
USB SERIAL CH340 Driver Update UtilitySupported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XPFile Version: Version 3.8.0 File Size: 269 KB File Name: DriverFinderInstall.exeOverall Rating: |
CH340, CH341, CH340G DriverWCHDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win 10, Win 10 x64, Win 8.1, Win 8.1 x64, Win 8, Win 8 x64, Win 7, Win 7 x64, Win Server 2008, Win Server 2008 x64, Win Vista, Win Vista x64, Win 2003 Server, Win Server 2003 x64, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win XP Pro x64, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98 File Size: 258.5 KB File Name: CH341_USB_to_Serial.zipOverall Rating: (5 ratings, 5 reviews) 13,023 Downloads Submitted Jul 24, 2016 by JacobGRocks (DG Member):'This came from the driver CD that came with a cheap CH341 based USB to Serial adapter that had numerous other drivers on the CD as well. This is the correct driver for the serial adapter, and it includes drivers for Windows 7 x64. It also seems to have drivers for Windows 98, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, and ...' |
Arduino CH340 DriverArduino LLCDevice Type: Removable DriveSupported OS: Win 8.1, Win 8.1 x64 File Version: Version 3.4 File Size: 144.4 KB File Name: CH341SER.zip546 Downloads Submitted Sep 27, 2017 by Sharmila (DG Staff Member):'USB Driver File' |
HL-340 usb to serial adapter DriverWinChipHeadDevice Type: Hard Disk ControllerSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98 File Version: Version 2.3.2006.06 Release Date: 2006-06-05 File Size: 71.5 KB File Name: hl-340_driver.zipOverall Rating: (81 ratings, 83 reviews) 27,170 Downloads Submitted Oct 13, 2007 by Jerry K (DG Member):'HL-340 USB to serial adapter [WinChipHead] - Driver for CH341 (USB=>SERIAL chip) - WDM&VXD for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP - File Date: 06/05/2006 - Version: 2.3.2006.06 - Photo: http://www.dvdr9.nl/usb.jpg - Unzip to a temp folder, then launch SETUP.EXE' |
Prolific usb-serial DriverProlificDevice Type: Modem / ISDNSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro File Version: Version Release Date: 2003-07-16 File Size: 91.5 KB File Name: wd_pl-2303_v20018.zipOverall Rating: (149 ratings, 161 reviews) 32,508 Downloads Submitted Dec 4, 2003 by get_off_it (DG Member):'manufacture's site tech.prolific.com.tw/visitor/v_welcome.asp' |
OMEGA USB SERIAL CABLE DriverOmegaDevice Type: USBSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, MacOSX File Version: Version Release Date: 2002-04-09 File Size: 251.6 KB File Name: USR_2309.zipOverall Rating: (69 ratings, 71 reviews) 14,221 Downloads Submitted Jan 3, 2006 by CAESAR (DG Member):'I found this in a search google search 'USB-2309 DRIVER' in a brazilian web page /www.deltatronic.com.br and it works very fine' |
USB SERIAL CABLE DriverOmegaDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win 7, Win 7 x64 File Size: 2.4 MB File Name: USR2309_2325_WIN_7.zipOverall Rating: (12 ratings, 14 reviews) 3,079 Downloads Submitted Sep 24, 2010 by Rafael Ruiz (DG Member):'Driver para el cable OMEGA 'USB SERIA CABLE'' |
Controlador USB (Universal Serial Bus) DriverIntelDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win 7 x64 File Version: Version File Size: 5.6 MB File Name: Intel_R__USB_3.0_eXtensible_Host_Controller_Driver_4.0.6.60.zipOverall Rating: (3 ratings, 3 reviews) 7,892 Downloads Submitted Oct 10, 2016 by jcbtele@hotmail.com (DG Member):'https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=3467&DwnldID=22824&keyword=Intel+Usb+3.0+eXtensible+Host+Controller+Driver&lang=eng' |
Prolific_USB_Serial.zip DriverProlificDevice Type: USBSupported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98 File Version: Version 1.5 Release Date: 2002-04-09 File Size: 136.9 KB File Name: Prolific_USB_Serial.zipOverall Rating: (52 ratings, 52 reviews) 5,920 Downloads Submitted Nov 17, 2004 by O'Dell (DG Member) |
USB to Serial DriverDynamodeDevice Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)Supported OS: Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win ME, Win 98 File Version: Version 1.00.2115 Release Date: 2003-02-25 File Size: 364.1 KB File Name: usb-serial.zipOverall Rating: (27 ratings, 28 reviews) 3,244 Downloads Submitted Apr 26, 2005 by selvaraj (DG Staff Member):'USB-SERIAL - USB to Serial (RS-232)' |
USB-SERIAL-4 DriverST LabDevice Type: Other DevicesSupported OS: Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win ME, Win 98SE, Linux File Size: 1.5 MB File Name: PL-2303X.rarOverall Rating: (29 ratings, 29 reviews) 7,621 Downloads Submitted Nov 1, 2005 by Rudi Potgieter (DG Member) |
CH340 Drivers for Hobby Components Products
####Microsoft Windows:Windows drivers support 32 and 64 bit versions of the opperating system. These drivers will need to be installed whn using any of the Hobby Components products listed below.
####Linux drivers:Most popular versions will include a sutable driver and so no additional installation is normally required.
###Supported products:
Hobby Components Arduino Compatible Uno+ (HCARDU0100)
Ch341 Driver Windows 10
Hobby Components Arduino Compatible Nano with CH340 (HCARDU0094)
Arduino Ch340 Driver Windows 10 Download
CH340 USB to TTL Serial Adaptor (HCMODU0076)